At BCES we are able to work directly with our teachers and staff. Some of the most important people on our volunteer list are the Room Parents! Teachers typically choose Room Parents sometime in the month of August - usually between Open House and a few days after Curriculum Night.
Room Parent duties include but are not limited to:
- Working effectively with the classroom teacher
- Attending a Room Parent Training Meeting typically held within the first month of each school year
- Being a link between the classroom parent and teachers
- Interpreting and promoting the work of the PTO within the school and community
- Setting up an email list advising parents of school or class activities
- Actively engaging with other parents in the class
- Participating in volunteer work - from both the teacher and the PTO
- Being ready to set up and help
- Being accountable for the class fund
- Helping organize and coordinate class parties, teacher gifts, and following the PTO Teacher Appreciation Week schedule
Please email our Room Parent Coordinator who will work with Room Parents throughout the year. Feel free to contact them with any questions or concerns.